Questions to Faculty Members Will (or Should) You Ask Prior to You a Letter of of Recommendation

1. What do you plan to do after you graduate?

2.  Are these different from the plans you had one year ago?  If so, how?  What do you think has changed what have you experienced or learned that has led to this change of mind?  If not what knowledge and/or experiences led you to develop this plan?

3.  What are you doing right now to maximize your chance of success to achieve this plan?  What have you already done to achieve it?  What do you think still needs to be done before now and the time you graduate to achieve it?

4.  What is your "back-up plan?" 

5.   How can I help you be successful?

6.  Have you shown yourself to be the type of person that is likely to get positive feedback from your     potential references here, if your references are truthful? 

References are key to grad school, scholarships, job attainment, etc. Are you punctual?  Respectful? Meet deadlines?  Keep appointments?  Good communicator?  Work well with others?  Able to accept constructive criticism?   What can you do to improve in any deficiency areas, and thus give yourself a better chance of success?