Student Research Activities


Grove City College

Dr Jackson's Homepage
Other Research
Math Dept.



Hopeman Student Research Seminar Series


This is a series of talks featuring students in the Hopeman School of Science, Engineering and Mathematics speaking about research they have done here or during summer research opportunities such as National Science Foundation funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs).


Dr. Christiaan Gribble maintains a webpage with the schedule for the present semester.



Student Research Showcase


This event is a poster display of student research done at Grove City College for students, faculty, alumni, parent, family and friends to see. The event began in the spring semester of 2009 and is taking place twice a year.

More information the student research showcase can be found here, including example posters from past events.






Last Updated: 03/15/2010

©2006, Grove City College Department of Mathematics

Site Maintained by Michael A. Jackson