Eric Bancroft's Homepage

Eric Bancroft

Picture of Erin Bancroft

Erin and me in the Old Cape Henry Lighthouse in Virginia Beach, VA


My office hours and office location are listed on the "Contact Me" page.

Links to current class web pages may be found on the "Teaching" page.

If you're looking for information about the Calcu-Solve competition, please click here.


The base source code for this website was graciouly provided by Nathaniel Schwartz. If you like this website, I am more than happy to share his source code with you. This code makes use of server-side includes, so it's a lot easier if I give you the files he wrote rather than you copying the files after the server processes them.

Some of the background images on this site were created by Sven Geier and George Smith, other were stolen from various Grove City College web pages.

The official Unofficial Web Page Disclaimer: "The views and opinions expressed on this unofficial web page are those of the page developers and not necessarily those of Grove City College. Any comments on the contents of this page or those pages linked from it should be directed to its developers."