Eric Bancroft's Homepage


This page is under construction. There is a lot of information on LaTeX and since it's not unique to any one class, I'm putting the LaTeX information on a single page rather than incorporating it into the class web page.

To use LaTeX, you have two options:

  1. Use a cloud-based service such as Overleaf. The free-level account should be sufficient for anything that you would use it for as an undergrad.
  2. Install it locally on your computer, which consists of at least two things:
    1. The base system.
    2. An editor (unless you're one of those people who insist on doing everything via command line...).
    3. Optional: For Windows users, there are a few other programs you may need to install. They aren't required, but there are some situations in which you will need them:
      1. Ghostscript
      2. If you're using TeXworks and want to use eps images, then you'll need Perl installed in order to configure latexmk to compile files containing eps images (described below). There are several different Perl "flavors" for Windows, I'm currently using Strawberry Perl.
      3. GSview

A Basic Installation

Install MiKTeX. Go to the site, click Download, then the default option should be the file for basic-miktex (about 200 Mb). Be sure to change the paper size to letter and set the "install packages on the fly" option to either "Yes" or "Ask me first."

MiKTeX settings #3

The first time you call a package that isn't on your computer it will be downloaded and installed so there will be a longer-than-usual compile time and MiKTeX may open to ask if you want to install the package, but once a package is on your computer there will no longer be a delay. MiKTeX will only install on package per compile attempt, so if there are multiple packages that need to be installed then you may get compiler errors and have to re-run the compiler several times until all of the necessary packages are installed.

Once you have MiKTeX installed you will want to install an editor (this will act as a front-end to the compiler so you don't have to compile with the command line). The editor I and the department generally recommend that students install, and the one I will use during any LaTeX training sessions, is TeXstudio. It has nice syntax matching and other beginning-user-friendly touches such as a 'handwriting to LaTeX-code' feature that is quite nice.

Other Options for the Base System

For an all-in-one LaTeX installation on Windows you can use proTeXt, which installs a full copy of MiKTeX as its foundation and an editor (currently TexStudio) so you have a working system right away. This requires about 2GB of hard drive space, so be aware of that before you install.

TeX Live also gives you a working installation, complete with an editor. This requires about 1.5-5.5 GB of hard drive space depending on the options you select, so be aware of that before you install.

If you use a Mac, then MacTeX is the way to go - it installs the foundation as well as a very nice editor.

For Linux users, the base system is TeX Live. In Ubuntu you can use apt-get or the package manager to install "texlive-full" from the universal repository (if space is an issue, you can install the bare-bones "texlive" package instead). I haven't used other flavors of Linux, but I would assume the process is similar (and if you're using Linux then you probably know more about installing software than I).

Options for Editors

Most modern editors come with a built-in pdf viewer and the ability to sync between the source code and the compiled PDF so you can easily move between one and the other.

LaTeX Workshops and Other Instructional Videos

This series of videos on YouTube by Michelle Krummel gives a good overview and is a bit shorter and better edited than the department workshop videos below.

The math department sometimes offers LaTeX workshops during the fall semester and goes over it in class during senior seminar. Below are videos from some past sessions.

Senior Seminar LaTeX session 1, Fall 2018:

(Here's a direct link to the video file if the player isn't working: Senior Seminar LaTeX session 1, Fall 2018 and here's a link to the file mentioned in the video: Dr. Bancroft's TeXstudio color profile.)

Senior Seminar LaTeX session 2, Fall 2018:

(Here's a direct link to the video file if the player isn't working: Senior Seminar LaTeX session 2, Fall 2018.)

Senior Seminar LaTeX session 3, Fall 2018:

(Here's a direct link to the video file if the player isn't working: Senior Seminar LaTeX session 2, Fall 2018.)

Senior Seminar LaTeX session 4 (Beamer), Fall 2018:

(Here's a direct link to the video file if the player isn't working: Senior Seminar LaTeX session 2, Fall 2018.)

LaTeX introductory workshop, recorded 2014-9-8:

(Here's a direct link to the video file if the player isn't working: Introductory Workshop.)

LaTeX Links

There are many resources available to help you with TeX/LaTeX, here are a few to get you started. If you come across another page that you find particularly helpful, let me know and I may post it.

Sample Files

Once you've used LaTeX for a while, you'll accumulate a pretty good library of previous work that you can draw from when starting a document or looking for a command. However, at the beginning it's good to have someone else's source code to which you can refer. Below is the source code (plus any images needed) and complied pdf for various documents I've made in the past:

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